Lindsey Walker

I first met Lindsey through my wife as she went through a spiritual learning program. They, surprisingly, worked in the same field - very close to each other. But, that’s neither here nor there! Lindsey is a walking embodiment of expansion. She always brings such clarity to the table whether it’s just general conversation or giving advice. Lindsey just radiates an energy that is inspiring and makes you feel like you’re capable of anything. She is a joy to be around.

Lindsey is a Women's Empowerment Coach & Breathwork Detox Teacher. I haven’t had the pleasure of having her read for me - BUT, I have been a part of her Breath Work DETOX sessions; and lemme tell ya, It was such an expansive experience. The feeling of releasing stuck and stagnant energy in my body was amazing. It wasn’t an easy session, to be honest, it was a workout… by just Breathing! Who knew? You hit that wall during a workout and you just feel like quitting - but there was Lindsey! - Pushing us to keep going, keep moving forward, keep breathing even when we felt like staying safe. That’s a lesson in and of itself. For me, it was a refreshment. A simple breath of air can do so much - and Lindsey will prove just that.

Head on over to her page and see for yourself what a remarkable person she is!