Gabrielle Celeste

Guys, this is Gabby! She is a powerhouse intuitive to say the very least. She is a Cancer Sun, Pisces Moon, and Pisces Rising. Triple Water sign! If that doesn’t say “intuitive in her own right” I don’t know what will. She is an Intuitive Astrologer and employs many modalities to help others learn about themselves, their soul purpose, and their path in life.

Through my spiritual awakening and healing journey I wanted to learn more about myself through Astrology. I found Gabrielle through word of mouth (my wife) and had to book a Birth Chart reading with her. Now I knew basic info just by pulling my chart up online. I knew my big three, and basic placements, etc. But having an astrologer interpret my chart taught me so much. She even pinpointed a traumatic event in my life down to how old I was at the time. An event no one really knew about. It blew my mind! Aside from telling me about myself down to a T, her reading gave me permission to be myself and the peace of mind to know that I was supported. 11/10 Recommend a Birth Chart Reading from this Spiritual Barbie!

If that doesn’t resonate just yet with you - SHE HAS A PODCAST! She is 1/2 of The Spiritual Sisters Podcast available on Apple and Spotify. Not gonna lie… I’m an avid listener. There she talks about so many fun and interesting topics with her sister Nichole Christine.